Willa Cyrek

  1. pl
  2. en
  3. ru




We offer you accommodation about the high standard in very attractive prices:
- rooms of the price from PLN 40 to PLN 60 twenty-four hours for the person
- studies and luxury apartments of the price PLN 50 to PLN 80 twenty-four hours for the person

One child up to 3 free years sleeping with parents.
The two children as payable to years 3 as one adult.

self-catering there are fully-fitted dinettes

free wi-fi

free car park





In the vicinity of the Cyrek Villa
- Aua Park Zakopane ul. Jagielońska 1.2 km
- Geothermal bathing beach of Log Szymoszkowa 2.6 km
Ski lift Antałówka ski 300 metres
Ski lift Gubałówka 3.3 km

Inn under the Shingle of 220 metres
FDN 220 restaurant of metres



On the spot a climatic payment is being added PLN 2 in the day from the person.
At longer stays we ask for the light switch tel or mail or we will prepare sending the enquiry by the booking form individual offer for everyone we are elastic, and prices differ depending on room, studio, luxury apartment.



Ul. Chramcówki 11c 34-500 Zakopane

a-mail  anetamurzyn@o2.pl

tel: 695 991 707  lub  607 233 773 




Willa u Jędrusia